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To: Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR), Local Government Units of Malay, Nabas, Buruanga, Aklan; Libertad, and Pandan, Antique; and all members of Protected Area Management Board (PAMB)

Stop the Inclusion of Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park to A Hydropower Project in Malay, Aklan

Stop the proposed inclusion; Conduct consultation-meeting with constituents of all barangays that have representation in Protected Area Management Board (PAMB).

Why is this important?

1. It appears that the claim of some PAMB members of the "unanimous endorsement" for the inclusion of 24.9 hectares of NPPNP in the proposed project has not undergone the proper process and has been railroaded to prevent opposition from other members.;

2. The NPPNP is a strictly protected zone under NIPAS (National Integrated Protected Areas System). The inclusion of Northwest Panay Peninsula National Park's 24.9 hectares in the proposed project would surely disturb/destroy various endemic species of plants and animals as the area has a high value of biodiversity.

3. NPPNP is considered as one of Panay island's last remaining legally protected rainforests. Stopping further intrusion of other sectors is necessary for its conservation and protection.

4. Transparency and equal participation and consultation of stakeholders are deemed necessary. The hydropower project may become a "door" for further intrusions inside the protected area, given the fact of other previous threats such as mining, illegal logging, and poaching.

How it will be delivered

All concerned residents of Pandan, Libertad, Buruanga, Malay, and Nabas; Local Government Units, Academic Institutions, Civil-Society Organizations, Youth organizations, Community Leaders are encouraged to sign the petition and deliver this to Protected Area Management Board (PAMB), DENR, and the National Government.

Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park, Libertad, Antique, Philippines

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2019-08-27 19:48:28 +0800

1,000 signatures reached

2019-08-26 00:44:35 +0800

500 signatures reached

2019-08-25 18:49:03 +0800

Something fishy happened in the last PAMB Meeting last June 19, 2019 - Until now some stakeholders did not receive the copy of meeting minutes.

2019-07-19 17:42:05 +0800

100 signatures reached

2019-07-16 10:37:51 +0800

50 signatures reached

2019-07-15 18:38:29 +0800

25 signatures reached

2019-07-15 08:00:32 +0800

10 signatures reached