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STOP the cutting of trees in Mataasnakahoy, Batangas!

We want the people responsible to reconsider and not cut down the trees along V. Templo St. going in and out of Mataasnakahoy.

Why is this important?

This is an appeal to Mataasnakahoy, its residents and its leaders. Please, I beg you, spare these trees. Let us set a good example. Let us show the world that our progress and our development is not at the expense of these trees. They have stood here for decades, growing. And they are residents of this town as much as I am, as much as we all are. To me, they are so much more than just a bunch of trees. They represent so many memories. I have walked, jogged, biked and ran along that road countless times and I know I’m not the only one. I can’t imagine going down that road and not seeing those trees. I can’t imagine Mataasnakahoy without them.

But there is still hope. Temporarily, the cutting has been stopped. Together, maybe we can stop it entirely. We need you. Help us, help me speak for those trees. The link below is an online petition to appeal to our leaders and with enough signatures maybe we can change their minds.

Let’s show them that we are better than this.
Mataas Na Kahoy, Batangas, Philippines

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2018-11-10 15:18:22 +0800

Apologies for the long absence. I’m still trying to reach DPWH and I keep asking updates from DENR-CALABARZON but we got nothing so far. If anyone knows anybody who can help. Feel free to do so! Thank you!

2018-10-26 11:02:19 +0800

500 signatures reached

2018-10-25 23:19:15 +0800

We finally got a response from Mataasnakahoy LGU. According to them, we are supported by Mayor Gual Silva who is trying to rationalize with DPWH to save these trees! A meeting will be held on Monday to address the issue!

2018-10-25 22:02:38 +0800

According to DENR-CALABARZON, as of 10/25/2018, no ECC has been issued to authorize the cutting of any trees along V. Templo St. in Mataasnakahoy. I am trying to reach the Environmental Management Bureau to send a letter expressing our concerns and let them know that we do not want these trees to be cut. There are also no replies from the local government of Mataasnakahoy regarding our petition for them to reconsider the cutting altogether. Let’s keep this going! We can still fight! THANK YOU!!🌳❤️

2018-10-20 23:48:02 +0800

100 signatures reached

2018-10-20 15:04:41 +0800

50 signatures reached

2018-10-20 14:05:00 +0800

25 signatures reached

2018-10-20 13:46:26 +0800

10 signatures reached