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To: Usec. Jim Sampulna, DENR VI, Local Government of Negros


We urge the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to stop the legalization of illegal structures inside the Northern Negros Natural Park and hold these environmental offenders accountable as it is their sworn oath to safeguard and protect our environment.

Why is this important?

It is an insult when the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Undersecretary Jim Sampulna resorted to "legalize" the illegal structures inside the Northern Negros Natural Park (NNNP) when they have decided they can't do anything because the structures are already cemented.

By allowing these illegal structures (resorts, businesses, and commercial establishments) to "legally" operate will only disrupt and destroy further the natural ecosystems and rich biodiversity of the protected area. Such a decision will only serve as a precedent for other environmental offenders to do the same in other parts of the country.

If DENR were to be serious in their sworn oath to protect the rights of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology, they would stop the increasing illegal structures and penalize these environmental violators who have no location clearances nor business permits in the natural park.

The Northern Negros Naturall Park is also home to endemic and endangered species of plants and animals. With the current onset of the Climate Crisis, let us not cause more harm to one of our natural solutions to this rapidly changing climate - our forests.
Negros, Philippines

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2019-10-12 01:17:17 +0800

1,000 signatures reached

2019-10-11 00:41:14 +0800

500 signatures reached

2019-10-10 11:54:52 +0800

100 signatures reached

2019-10-10 11:36:48 +0800

Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson now backs the legalization of illegal structures in NNNP for economic growth!

2019-10-10 10:13:41 +0800

50 signatures reached

2019-10-10 08:16:43 +0800

25 signatures reached

2019-10-10 06:41:54 +0800

10 signatures reached