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To: President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr.

President Marcos Jr: Make SHELL and other oil, coal, & gas companies pay for climate disasters

Fossil fuels are turbo-charging extreme weather events and people all over the world, especially in countries like the Philippines, are suffering the worst consequences. These devastating storms, floods, and droughts are a direct result of companies extracting and burning coal, gas, and oil—the climate killers—for decades. Meanwhile, these companies are earning trillions of dollars even as people, local government units and the national government shoulder the costs of lost lives and livelihoods, and damaged homes and infrastructure.

Filipino communities have been calling for climate justice and accountability for years. Local governments and institutions have been taking action—with several municipalities and provinces declaring a climate emergency and announcing action against these companies. The Commission on Human Rights in the Philippines has also found legal grounds to hold the world’s biggest climate polluters accountable for human rights harms.

Recently, the Philippine Congress filed the world’s first climate accountability bill, seeking to establish a legal framework for corporate accountability for losses and damages and human rights harms from climate impacts.

President BBM must ensure that climate justice and seeking accountability and reparations from corporate climate polluters is a state policy. Now is the time for the President to back his words with action and pursue all means to make climate polluters pay.

We demand that fossil fuel companies:

  • Stop their climate wrecking activities including their involvement in new fossil fuel projects
  • Admit and apologize for their crimes
  • Repair and pay for the damage they have caused

Governments who have chosen to ignore the devastating impacts on communities in the global south must force polluters to pay for the historic damage they caused and for future climate disasters. Governments must demand an end to the fossil fuel industry crimes and ensure justice for all who are impacted by their dirty business. Polluters must stop drilling and start paying!

Join us in this urgent fight for climate justice: Fossil fuel greed should not prevail over the protection of people and the planet!

Why is this important?

Together with typhoon survivors and communities across the Philippines affected by climate impacts caused by the destructive operations of S and other oil, coal, and gas companies, we’re calling on President Bongbong Marcos: Hold these polluters accountable and make them pay!


2024-05-10 21:37:08 +0800

500 signatures reached

2023-11-29 14:23:30 +0800

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2023-11-29 10:45:19 +0800

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